The Luxembourg Blockchain Lab team have announced the eight projects that have been selected as part of the first cohort after an international call for submissions.
The Luxembourg Blockchain Lab is a common initiative from five major actors from the Luxembourg technology ecosystem: Infrachain, the LHoFT, LIST, SnT and LëtzBlock. The goal of the consortium is to create and nurture the blockchain ecosystem in Luxembourg, set up a landmark EU hub for blockchain research, education and industry projects, as well as develop industry capabilities to aid the deployment of the latest blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLT).
The Luxembourg Blockchain Lab launched an international call for projects in October 2020, in order to start building the collaboration between all the actors and develop projects alongside the industry.
Over the last two months the selection committee has been assessing the 25 applications, of which more than half were based in Luxembourg, with Sweden, Singapore, Slovenia, Ireland and the UK also represented.
The selection committee was composed of the five founding partners: Infrachain, LHoFT, SnT, LIST and LëtzBlock. In addition, three ministries (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of the Economy and Ministry for Digitalisation) have been included in the selection process in order to provide with their views on the projects and assess the interest for Luxembourg.
"We have been impressed by the quality and diversity of the projects' submissions. It is a great pleasure to start working with all these projects and we look forward to the collaborations with the various stakeholders and mentors. This is a promising start for the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab" stated Emilie Allaert, Head of Operations and Projects at the LHoFT.
“This first call for projects is a major milestone for the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab. The high number of submissions exceeded our expectations. It confirms the need to support the dynamic of the sector – a need that will be addressed through the Lab” stated Tom Kettels, Project Lead at Infrachain.
“Very proud to have been part of this selection committee. The diverse project ideas shed light on the current market of blockchain-based related applications today. It was really challenging to make a choice within all those highly interesting proposals coming from different countries. We are looking forward to going deeper on the topic with the selected projects teams” explained Thierry Grandjean, Research Engineer, and Adnan Imeri, PhD student at Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
“The Luxembourg Blockchain Lab and its Call for Projects revealed a vibrant blockchain entrepreneurial ecosystem in Luxembourg and beyond. The quality and diversity of the projects bears witness of an ambitious pursuit of blockchain's potential by the contestants. LëtzBlock is thrilled to be part of this exciting adventure and is looking forward to supporting the projects in their technical, organisational and managerial challenges” said Biba Homsy, LëtzBlock
Discover the 8 projects that have been selected as part of the Blockchain Lab
Climate Action Blockchain, Luxembourg: They are encouraging the use of bikes to commute on a daily basis via the issuance of tokens in order to reduce carbon emission. The tokens can be used in selected cities to buy environmental goods such as organic fertilizer.
Compellio, Luxembourg: They aim at delivering PoCs that would enable public and private organisations to experiment, validate, and showcase blockchain added value in a very short period of time, depending on the use case complexity. One of the selected proposal will be proposed to Compellio to create a collaborative project and help with the implementation of the blockchain solution.
Evercity, Singapore: The project submitted aims to demonstrate issuance of a digital SDG-linked bond where the key financial parameters are linked to impact-related indicators. The key innovation within the PoC is development of a linkage between financial parameters and SDG impact performance.
Filedgr, Luxembourg: They are trying to solve the real problems of the logistics industry. They would like to provide a solution for the problems such as delivery, conditions of the cargo and insurance reporting.
Medlogistics (Hôpitaux Robert Schuman), Luxembourg: With the current sanitary situation, the medical sector has faced issues with the medical equipment. They are proposing a full certification of the medical supplies from the start to the end of the supply chain.
Neofacto, Luxembourg: They propose an innovative digital solution that streamlines the authorization granting through the issuance of a verifiable digital “Claim” (i.e. authorization) deployed on the public blockchain to ensure reliability, availability and auditability. The proof of Concept proposed is called ClaimIT.
Stampify, Luxembourg: The proposed Decentralized Registry will be based on an existing blockchain framework (Ethereum), implemented to interact with an application allowing the certifying bodies to issue certificates in a trusted environment to give any stakeholder the ability to consult them.
Green Earth Agro, Luxembourg: A significant value-adding component of Greenearth Agro’s production model is its objective to implement technology to trace and track product from origin to consumption.
For further information, see http://blockchainlab.lu