Marc Hansen, Minister for Digitalisation, announces new blockchain at Infrachain Summit; Credit: MinDigital

Following the creation of the world’s first e-embassy, Luxembourg will again play a pioneering role in creating the first blockchain of its public sector.

Announced by Digitalisation Minister Marc Hansen at the Infrachain Summit on 23 May 2019, this first blockchain aims to help to improve the transparency, reliability and security of the public sector's digital information and process systems.

In his address, Marc Hansen said: "I am proud to announce that the Department of Digitalisation, in collaboration with CTIE and SIGI, has decided to create a blockchain of the public sector. This project will allow the government to experiment and develop a series of new blockchain applications for the public sector as well as applications involving public-private interactions".

According to the Minister for Digitalisation, the government is determined to play a pioneering role in the blockchain field. If the state makes significant advances in the digitisation and use of new technologies, it is thought that businesses will also be encouraged to do so, with positive results for all.

The blockchain is an information storage and transmission technology, transparent, secure and functioning without a central control body. By extension, a blockchain is a database that contains the history of all the exchanges made between its users since its creation. This database is secure and distributed between its different users. Once validated by the network and registered, this data can no longer be falsified, adding to its reliability.

The public sector blockchain is a DLT platform that will be operated by a range of public sector actors such as the "Centre des technologies de l'information de l'État" (CTIE) and the "Syndicat intercommunal de gestion informatique" (SIGI) and will thus offer the features and benefits of this technology to all public sector actors to carry out applications in this sector in Luxembourg