Credit: Ministry for Digitalisation

Luxembourg's Ministry for Digitalisation has reported that it invited members of the Interministerial Committee for Digitalisation to a meeting devoted to data and their use within the public sector on Thursday 27 June 2024.

The ministry recalled that this interministerial committee is an element of digital governance which it proposed to the Government Council (cabinet) in 2020. Made up of those responsible for strategic digital projects from all ministries, it aims to ensure a transversal approach to the digital transformation of the state by allowing, for example, the establishment of shared visions to offer digital public services adapted to the needs of citizens. Exchanges within the interministerial committee are deemed "essential" in this context.

The first item on the agenda of Thursday's meeting was an exchange on the broad outlines of the public sector data strategy currently being prepared at the Ministry for Digitalisation. This was followed by a presentation of an example of managing an administration based on data as well as the presentation of a guide to good practices for state data scientists, developed by the "Data Science" working group, attached to the interministerial committee. The aim of the guide is to provide a clear and comprehensive framework that guides professionals through the technical, ethical and societal challenges inherent to their work.

The ministry stressed the importance of the use of data. To move towards a data-driven public sector, it is "essential" to adopt a concerted approach to implement the "Once Only" principle and guarantee the qualitative processing of this data in an environment of trust, it said. As such, the "Once Only" obligation within the state is one of the pillars of the bill that Luxembourg's Minister for Digitalisation, Stéphanie Obertin, presented to the press on 20 June 2024. Once passed, the application of such an obligation is expected to represent a "considerable administrative simplification".