Credit: IMS Luxembourg

On Thursday 27 June 2024, IMS Luxembourg announced it organised the fourth edition of the Digital Skills Matchmaking in collaboration with the  Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy (SMC) of the Ministry of State/Digital Luxembourg, the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition and the European Social Fund during Nexus 2050.

During the speed meeting, 23 digital entrepreneurs met with the 26 companies present, which led to 32 partnerships being signed. To put these partnerships into practice, a follow-up workshop (on 25 September) and tripartite meetings are planned.

This meeting aims to facilitate exchanges and create win-win digital partnerships between companies and impact initiatives (associations, NGOs, foundations, public organisations, schools, etc.), IMS Luxembourg noted. These partnerships aim to enable companies to support projects through volunteering, skills sponsorship, equipment donations, sponsorship and assistance with integration, among other means. In return, companies benefit from added value in the form of concrete implementation of CSR policies, attraction and retention of talent, development of staff skills and affirmation of the company's values.

Digital Skill Matchmaking is part of the Digital Skills Partnership project funded by the European Social Fund and the Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy (SMC) of the Ministry of State/Digital Luxembourg. It comprises several stages: preparation workshops, organisation of the Digital Skills Matchmaking, workshops to monitor the partnerships signed, a survey and publication of an inventory of companies' and associations' practices in terms of partnerships and skills sponsorship.