Credit: Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg

On Tuesday 25 June 2024, Luxembourg’s Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister for Media and Connectivity, Elisabeth Margue, and the Minister for Gender Equality and Diversity, Yuriko Backes, participated in the “Lëtz Get More Girls in Digital” Coding Workshop.

This coding workshop, co-organised by the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg, DG Connect and the non-profit organisation Workshop4Me, aims to inspire young girls - and their mothers - to dive into the world of digital creation.

In her opening speech, Elisabeth Margue highlighted the link between events like “Lëtz Get More Girls in Digital” and the specific objectives of the Digital Decade 2030 agenda, the Department of MediaConnectivity and Digital Policy (SMC) confirmed.

When it comes to digital skills, the Digital Decade agenda highlights the importance of equal opportunities for women in the ICT sector and sets an ambitious target to increase the number of women professionals in this field,” she stressed. “For example, women are still significantly underrepresented in the ICT field today, while the sector needs diversity to drive innovation. We still have a long way to go, but initiatives promoting coding for girls such as ‘Lëtz get more girls in digital’ are the right way forward.

Minister Backes clarified in her speech: “By encouraging more girls to explore and pursue careers in IT, we are not only opening doors for them; We also open doors to innovation, progress and global competitiveness.