On Saturday 21 May 2022, the Grand Ducal Police held an information session on the police profession and recruitment process at the Police School (École de police) in Luxembourg-Findel; throughout the afternoon, about 250 visitors were present.
On the occasion of this "Infodag Recruitment" (recruitment info day), candidates interested in a career with the Grand Ducal Police had the opportunity to find out about the recruitment procedure and training at the Police School and to have an overview of the different possible specialisations.
Apart from various informative presentations, police officers from different units and services were present at several themed stands to inform the visitors about their respective jobs, for example a police officer at a police station, an investigator at the judicial police service, a police officer at the airport police unit, a motorcyclist with the various traffic police units and a dog handler with the canine group service. Similarly, members of the recruitment team and current police trainees were available to answer visitors' questions.
Full details of the recruitment procedure as well as the terms and conditions for applying are available on the website: www.police.lu/jobs
The next special tests in treatment groups B1 and C1 for the role of police officer will take place in autumn 2022.