Credit: CSSF

The Luxembourg undertakings for collective investment (UCI) industry recorded a positive change amounting to €87.795 billion in the month of March 2019. 

As of 31 March 2019, the aggregate net assets of global UCIs amounted to €4.350.449 billion as opposed to €4.262.654 billion on 28 February 2019, an increase of 2.06% over one month. Over the past twelve months, the volume of net assets increased by 4.86%.

For its part, the Luxembourg UCI industry thus posted a positive change in the month of March, amounting to €87.795 billion. This increase represents the balance of positive net issues amounting to €18.335 billion (+0.43%) and favourable financial market developments of €69.460 billion (+1.63%). 


The number of UCIs taken into consideration was 3,868 compared to 3,890 the previous month. 2,513 entities have adopted an umbrella structure representing 13,562 compartments. Adding 1,355 entities with a traditional structure, a total of 14,917 units are active in the financial centre.