Youth for Climate Luxembourg (YFCL) has presented its updated demands ahead of the upcoming protest against fossil fuel investments on Friday 25 March 2022, departing from Place de Clairefontaine in Luxembourg-Ville at 14:00.
In light of the current geopolitical situation, namely the Russia-Ukraine war, YFCL has recalled that its members are both climate activists and pacifists. Concerning the war in Ukraine, YFCL expressed its support for the demands of the Friddens- a Solidaritéitsplattform (platform for peace and solidarity), i.e. the end of all wars.
"As climate activists, we express solidarity with all victims of war and we also recognise the link between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and our dependence on fossil fuels, among them Russian gas and oil", stated YFCL in a press release. "Consequently, our other demands target Luxembourg's role in perpetuating climate change".
These other demands are as follows:
- that the Luxembourg finance sector assumes responsibility and aligns its investments with the demand for carbon neutrality by 2030;
- that the Luxembourg pension fund (Fonds de compensation - FDC) aligns its new investment strategy with the Paris Agreement (temperature goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius). Employees in the private sector should also have a say concerning these investments.
Friday's strike is co-organised by Greenpeace, ASTM, Mouvement écologique, move., FDH, CELL and Etika.
Everyone, regardless of age, is invited to join this protest calling for #PeopleNotProfit.