Votum Klima, a platform of several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Luxembourg, has launched a climate action campaign in the Grand Duchy.

Taking into account rising temperatures in the Arctic and years of warnings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Votum Klima has urged the Luxembourg government to pursue a coherent climate policy. Through its campaign, entitled #EtSi (what if...?), the platform called on the government to take scientists' recommendations "seriously" and align their actions with these guidelines, as has been the case during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The platform also posed the questions: What if the government reacts proactively and urgently to climate protection? And what if the biggest polluters in terms of climate also made the biggest efforts for the good of all? Votum Klima has requested that the solidarity experienced in the time of coronavirus be generalised and extended globally at all levels. The platform stressed that Luxembourg, as the biggest polluter per capita in the EU, must take responsibility for its high emissions.

Finally, Votum Klima called for future bailouts to preserve the future rather than the status quo.