Credit: MECDD

Wednesday marked the signature of the COPIL Natura 2000 "Mamer-Äischdall-Gréngewald" charter of collaboration in Luxembourg.

On 3 July 2019, Luxembourg Minister of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, Carole Dieschbourg, signed the charter of collaboration of the Steering Committee (COPIL) Natura 2000 "Mamer-Äischdall-Gréngewald" on the site of the Härebësch in Koerich.

With the signature of the collaboration charter of the Natura 2000 Steering Committee "Mamer-Äischdall-Gréngewald", this COPIL becomes the fifth to be set up after those of the "Old mining sites", "Éislek", "Atert-Warkdall" and "Mëllerdall".

The COPIL will be chaired by Carole Sinner, Forest Engineer at the Directorate of Nature and Forest Administration.