Luxembourg's Ministry of Home Affairs has announced the introduction of improved working conditions and remuneration for music teaching staff.
On Friday 22 July 2022, the Luxembourg Government Council adopted a draft law determining the working conditions and remuneration of music teachers at the municipal level. This draft law contains a revaluation of the careers of teachers engaged as a municipal "employé" or "salarié" (two different functions at the municipal level) and sets the task of all teaching staff.
Luxembourg's Minister for Home Affairs, Taina Bofferding, expressed her delight that "this bill can finally be introduced into the legislative procedure. The improvements made for music education teachers, even if these have taken a little time, reflect the government's desire to provide high quality music education at all levels, by qualified, passionate and motivated teachers".
Following formal opposition from Luxembourg's Council of State, the agreement reached in July 2021 with the Association of National Education Officers (Association des chargés de l'enseignement national - ACEN) (ACEN) and the General Federation of the Municipal Administration (Fédération générale de la fonction communale - FGFC) had to be transposed through a new draft bill. However, the content of the agreement remains unchanged.
Municipal music teachers will henceforth be hired at bachelor level, entering an A2 career, at a level of remuneration representing an increase in relation to the current situation. Teachers in the E2 / B1 and E3 / A2 groups, contractually engaged as a municipal "salarié" or "employé" at the time of the entry into force of the future law, will be reclassified to groups B1 and A2 respectively on 1 January 2023.
Holders of a master's degree or equivalent, currently classified in the A1 / E3 career, will be reclassified to the new A2 compensation group on 1 January 2023 and will receive the newly created A1 compensation.