Collateral Drama have announced their upcoming drama production entitled “How to get rich in Luxembourg. (Fast)” which is being performed at the Centre Culturel “Am Duerf” in Weimerskirch from Thursday 24 - Saturday 26 June 2021.
The production was written by Alexandre Hornbeck, Mayalani Moes, Rafael Kohn and Joël Seiller, and is being directed by Rafael Kohn with Jacqueline Milne as Assistant Director.
Synopsis: Luxembourg is known as a notoriously rich banking place, yet it seems that its riches are only tamable by a handful of chosen people, especially in the context of a global COVID19 pandemic and the problematic financial context that ensues from it. So how do we acquire the necessary economic independence to allow us to come a step closer to freedom and the realisation of our wildest dreams? ‘How to get rich in Luxembourg. (Fast).’ is a collection of three short plays that mark the debut of their concept ‘shortcuts’. The rules are simple: three different authors were given one theme. They faced no boundaries in their writing process, neither stylistically nor content-wise, except for the given theme and a time limit of 20 minutes of showtime. The result is a unique combination of three short plays and three unique points of view.
- Jérôme Netgen’s play is set in a dystopian version of Luxembourg, in which the fictitious totalitarian Real People’s Movement rules the country with an iron fist to allow hard capitalism to flourish unhindered.
- For Claire Thill, online scams, ransom demands and other illicit activities seem the best approach to get rich in Luxembourg fast. In her short play, an American seeking anonymity in Luxembourg tumbles into the web of a guru offering How-to-get-rich seminars.
- Finally, for Jean Bürlesk, becoming a trophy husband seems the obvious career choice. He teaches us how to successfully secure the ring.
Cast: Alexandre Hornbeck, Mayalani Moes and Jacqueline Milne
24 June 2021 @ 20:00
25 June 2021 @ 20:00
26 June 2021 @ 14:00 & 20:00
Tickets €25 by email: collateraldrama.lux@gmail.com
For further details, see https://www.collateraldrama.com/what-s-on/