Luxembourg's Ministry of Culture has launched two new national cultural prizes, in the fields of visual arts and music, respectively.
On Monday 19 September 2022, during a press conference dedicated to the eighth edition of Luxembourg Art Week, Luxembourg's Minister of Culture, Sam Tanson, announced the creation of a new national prize in the field of visual arts, the "Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis" (Luxembourgish art prize).
Endowed with €10,000, this biennial prize aims to distinguish an artist for all of his / her work, career and lasting commitment to the Luxembourg artistic scene. Artists active in the field of visual arts, who have Luxembourgish nationality, live and / or work in Luxembourg or have a strong cultural anchoring in the artistic scene of the country are eligible for the prize.
Luxembourg's Culture Minister has appointed a jury made up of five members recognised for their expertise in the field of visual arts. For the 2022 edition of the prize, the jury members are: Jamie Armstrong, art historian and head of the "Lëtzebuerger Konschtarchiv"; Marie-Claude Beaud, art historian, curator and museum director; Lucien Kayser, art critic and president of the arts and letters section of the Grand Ducal Institute (Institut Grand-Ducal); Paul Reiles, jurist, director of the National Museum of History and Art (Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art - MNHA) and former president of the National Culture Fund (Fonds culturel national - FOCUNA); Edmond Thill, museum educator, former head of the educational service of the MNHA and secretary of the arts and letters section of the Grand Ducal Institute.
The first presentation of the Lëtzebuerger Konschtpräis will take place on 11 November 2022 as part of Luxembourg Art Week.
At the same time, the Minister of Culture announced the creation of the "Lëtzebuerger Musekspräisser" (Luxembourgish music prizes). These new music awards are intended to be given out every three years, in six categories, namely:
- the "Nationale Musekspräis" (national music prize)”, rewarding the career, work and commitment of an artist from the Luxembourg music sector, endowed with €10,000;
- the "Nowuestalent" (new talent) prize, rewarding a promising talent who stands out for the dynamism of his / her career and the excellence of his / her recent achievements, endowed with €2,500;
- the "Op der Bün" (on stage) prize, rewarding one or more artists (performers and authors / composers) who have presented a particularly successful musical project over the past three years, endowed with €3,500;
- the "Hannert der Bün" (backstage) prize, honoring the creative work of a person or a team working behind the scenes on a musical project in the last three years (sound engineer, light technician, manager, show producer, booker, publisher, administrator, etc.), endowed with €3,500;
- the "Fräizäitmusek" (free time) prize, rewarding the exceptional merit and the lasting commitment of an individual or a group of people who are remarkably involved in music during their leisure time, without pursuing a professional musical career, endowed with €2,500;
- the "Museksvermëttlung" (music mediation) prize, rewarding an outstanding project, person or team in the mediation of music and the development of audiences, endowed with €3,000.
Personalities active in Luxembourg's music scene who are of Luxembourgish nationality, residents of Luxembourg or who have a strong cultural anchorage in the country are eligible for these prizes. With the exception of the "Nationale Musekspräis", the prizes refer to an outstanding production from the last three years. About 40 "nominators" (professional musicians) have been invited to submit their favourites, on the basis of which shortlists will be established and published on 21 November 2022 at the latest.
A jury made up of five members recognised for their expertise in the field of music and musical reception will select the winners in each category. For the 2022 edition, the jury members are: Jamie Reinert, music journalist at 100,7; Thierry Hick, cultural journalist at Luxemburger Wort; André Neves, founder of Magestick Records – Sony/ATV; Cathy Krier, pianist and piano teacher; Nina Schaeffer, light technician.
The "Lëtzebuerger Musekspräisser" will be awarded at a public ceremony at the Rockhal in Esch-Belval on 21 December 2022.
These national prizes in two new categories thus complete the so-called prize awarding system highlighting cultural and artistic creations" corresponding to recommendation 21 of the "Kulturentwécklungsplang" (cultural development plan) 2018-2028.
"Cultural awards are unique in that they go beyond simple recognition of the work and talent of their laureates. They also represent an enhancement of an entire creative sector", stated Culture Minister Sam Tanson. "Through these awards, we aim to highlight not only individual designers but Luxembourgish creation in general".