The 13th edition of the “Forum fir d'Zesummeliewen an eise Gemengen” (forum for living together in our municipalities; previously known as GRESIL) recently took place at the Centre Polyvalent “A Schommesch” in Niederanven.
A signing ceremony of the “Gemengepakt vum interkulturellen Zesummeliewen” (community package for intercultural living together) and the official handover of the “Citizen’s Guide” also took place.
The organisers reported that some 200 participants, including politicians, municipal representatives and staff, as well as members of municipal advisory committees on intercultural living together, attended the event. Together, they represented some 65 municipalities and associations working to promote intercultural living together.
The meeting was opened by Mayor of Niederanven, Fréd Ternes, followed by a welcome address from Luxembourg’s Minister for Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees, Max Hahn.
During the first part of the event, the municipalities of Bertrange and Esch-sur-Alzette signed the “Gemengepakt vum interkulturellen Zesummeliewen” with Minister Hahn, in the presence of the President of The Union of Luxembourg Cities and Municipalities (SYVICOL), Emile Eicher. Minister Hahn presented the municipalities of Beaufort, Erpeldange-sur-Sûre, Esch-sur-Sûre, Fischbach and Goesdorf (excused) with their personalised “Citizen's Guide”.
The second part of the forum was devoted to the theme “We are all experts in living together! Suggestions for a well-functioning committee on living together (CCVEI) and effective collaboration with local politicians”. In his keynote speech, Minister Hahn emphasised the important role of CCVEI in promoting intercultural living together at local level.
Emile Eicher spoke of the ways in which political leaders can act as a driving force for good collaboration between those involved in promoting living together at local level.
The attendees then had the opportunity to take part in practical workshops on the missions of CCVEI, enabling them to identify ways in which CCVEI can function well, and collaborate effectively with politicians locally.
The “Forum fir d'Zesummeliewen an eise Gemengen” offers local authorities a platform for gathering, exchanging ideas, creating synergies, providing information, training and support around the themes of intercultural living together at local level. The next session is scheduled for spring 2025.
The law of 23 August 2023 on intercultural living together created the "Gemengepakt" (municipal pact for intercultural living together), which helps to implement this at local level. 35 municipalities have signed the pact since the law came into force on 1 January 2024. By signing this a municipality or group of municipalities, SYVICOL and the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees commit to close collaboration, with a view to a multi-annual and participatory process that emphasises access to information, the participation of all people living or working in the municipality and the fight against racism and all forms of discrimination.
Under the "Gemengepakt" initiative, various forms of assistance are available to municipalities, including annual grants.
The "Citizen's Guide" was drawn up by the ministry in collaboration with SYVICOL and interested municipalities. Available in five languages, it consists of two parts: an information section, "I discover my municipality", and a second part called "I get involved in my municipality". So far, 33 municipalities have received their personalised guide.
The event, held in Niederanven on Wednesday 27 November 2024, was co-organised by ASTI, SYVICOL, CEFIS, the municipality of Niederanven and the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees.