Women In Digital Empowerment (WIDE) will hold its annual Women Founders conference at The Office City in Luxembourg-Ville on Thursday 30 November 2023 from 18:00 to 22:00.
Organised with the support of Luxembourg's Ministry of Equality between Women and Men, the eighth edition of this flagship conference is aimed at offering visibility to women entrepreneurs and venture capitalists (VCs) and inspiring others.
The first panel brings together the following women VCs: Irene Prota, Investment Manager at Porsche Ventures; Lily Wang, Partner at Expon Capital; Lynn Zoenen, Principal at Alpine Space Ventures.
The second panel features the following women founders: Samaher Garbaya, space engineer, tech entrepreneur, founder and CCO of Myelin-H; Dr Ruby Pillai, founder and CEO of iWarranty.
WIDE Managing Director Marina Andrieu and Myriam Rachid Bonhomme, founder and host of Badass Podcast and headhunter at MB Recruitment, will moderate the panel discussions.
The free event will conclude with a networking cocktail. At the time of writing, there were still some tickets available on Eventbrite.