Credit: EIB Institute

On Thursday 27 October 2022, Luxembourg's Minister for Home Affairs, Taina Bofferding, participated in the first European conference on community disaster preparedness organised by European Investment Bank (EIB) in Luxembourg-Kirchberg.

In her speech, Minister Bofferding recalled some of the crises and disasters that have shaken Europe and the entire world in recent years, in the wake of climate change. In the case of the Grand Duchy, the minister highlighted "a devastating tornado, as well as floods, an increasing number of wild fires and heat waves" over the past five years. It follows that a multi-hazard approach is needed to reinforce resilience and reduce the vulnerability to these disasters.

"With this in mind, Luxembourg has established the national platform for disaster risk reduction with thematic experts groups. We are only at the beginning of the process. Further efforts are needed to create a positive risk culture in Luxembourg with well-informed and prepared citizens and communities. People need easily accessible information on how to prevent and prepare for disasters, professional advice on risks and assistance in putting strategies and plans in place", said Minister Bofferding.

According to Minister Bofferding, conferences like this are important events in this process. She thanked the EIB for organising this conference and for its support for investment in disaster risk reduction in general.