Each year, the four Luxembourg Zonta Clubs in Luxembourg, members of Zonta International, offer four “Young Women in Public Affairs’ (YWPA) prizes which encourage young women to become engaged in social or political causes. 

The prizes are awarded to worthy female students aged between 16 and 19 years who have shown personal initiative, sense of responsibility and altruism. The candidates are evaluated based on volunteer experience in their school or association, their leadership potential, as well as their engagement in advancing the status of women at a local or international level. 

The winners receive a prize of €500 which enables them to compete for the same distinction at the Zonta International level.

Applications for the "Young Women in Public Affairs" prize must be completed by 26 February 2019: applications as well as instructions (for applications) can be requested from email: zontalux.ywpa@gmail.com

Zonta International is an international association of service clubs, created in the United States in 1919. The principal objective is to improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health and professional status of women in society. Further information on the YWPA prize and Zonta International can be found onlinee at www.zonta.org/WhatWeDo/InternationalPrograms