(L-R) Jeanne Dos Santos, Planning Familial; Emilie Kaiser, Planning Familial; Cathy Leesch, Cactus SA; Cas de Schinkel, Procter & Gamble; Credit: Cactus SA

On Tuesday 10 September 2024, Cactus announced that it had recently teamed up once again with Always to support the "Sang Vous" solidarity campaign.

Thanks to this year's campaign, 9,602 packs of sanitary pads have been offered to young girls and women in precarious situations in Luxembourg.

Cactus noted that precariousness is a growing reality, including in the Grand Duchy where almost a quarter of the population is affected (according to recent studies). In this context, access to menstrual hygiene products can become an additional burden for women and girls with a limited budget.

To meet this challenge, the Luxembourg family planning association, Planning Familial, launched the "Sang Vous" campaign in 2020, with the aim of collecting menstrual hygiene products that are then distributed to women in precarious situations.

Cactus and Always joined this initiative from the start, with their "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" campaign. This year, from 5 to 18 August, for each duo pack of Always sanitary pads or panty liners purchased by Cactus customers, an additional pack was donated to Planning Familial. The result was the donation of 9,602 packs of menstrual hygiene products to the family planning association.