The Bazar International de Luxembourg (International Bazaar) will return to Luxexpo The Box in Luxembourg-Kirchberg from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 November 2023.

Traditionally a two-day weekend event, the upcoming edition of this major fundraising event will once again take place over two and a half days. This format was launched in 2021 and the Friday evening opening has since proven successful. Pre-COVID-19 attendance figures ranged from 22,000 to 28,000 per edition. In 2021, there were between 22,000 and 25,000 attendees; attendance in 2022 broke all previous records, with 40,000 visitors showing up over the two and a half days.

In terms of stands, there are no newcomers this year but Kenya, Colombia and Afghanistan (new last year) are set to return, and China is making a comeback after a two-year absence. Close to 60 stands will be present at this edition (including country stands, but also book and food stands, etc.). Many of the stands organise typical/local musical and dance performances. Speaking to, the Management Committee noted that such performances have proven popular among visitors as they “add a lot of atmosphere and cultural enrichment”.

Ahead of this new edition, the Bazar International de Luxembourg has unveiled its new logo, in the context of its belated (due to COVID-19) 60th anniversary celebrations. The Management Committee described this new logo as “a more modern take on the Bazar International and the organisation we evolved into”, although the core remains the same: it is still composed of hearts, just as the organisers remain “driven by [their] hearts”. These colourful hearts also symbolise the diversity of the organisation. The new logo celebrates another aspect of the organisation’s work as well: “Not just the organisation of a great event but knowing that we spend our money on amazing projects, with wonderful people behind them.”

Indeed, all proceeds of the Bazar International go to charity. This year, the organisation will support 48 charities in Luxembourg and around the world. The beneficiaries are divided into seven categories (or themes): social reinsertion for homeless or abused people; medical care and sanitary medical equipment; primary school education and support; higher education vocational training; therapeutical camps and recreational activities; therapies and support for people with disabilities; fighting human trafficking, forced labour and child prostitution. The money raised is distributed according to the needs of the charities, as decided by the Management Committee at its AGM. Further information about this year's chosen charities and themes is available on the Bazar International website.

Regarding her hopes for this upcoming edition and the choice of charities, Carmen Decalf, President of the Management Committee, said: “I hope more than ever to give an example that people from more than 50 different countries and cultures can be together, do and act together in a harmonious way because it's for a good cause. This year, the principal charities are in favour of little children and youth: every year we focus on different tragic situations, but usually children and youth are the most vulnerable.”

Charlotte de Vreeze, Vice-President, added in agreement: “At the heart of what we do, and what the Bazar does, is our wish to bring some relief to fantastic humanitarian projects. We may dress it up in a very nice and fun for all way, but the bottom line is that we are raising money for those who need it. And not just practical or financial help, but for recipients to know that they have not been forgotten is already such an important element.”

The event relies on the support of volunteers. As the Management Committee explained, a total of about 1,500 volunteers are needed for the 2.5-day event, for example to prepare the items being sold and to help build, decorate and man the stands. The organisers have also renewed their partnership with PwC Luxembourg (launched last year), which brings in a number of volunteers.

One organisational challenge this year is finding suitable alternatives to single-use plastic. As such, there will be ten points where visitors can purchase reusable cups (for soft drinks and beer) and wine glasses. In 2024, the organisers intend to introduce reusable plates, etc. "We care about people, so we obviously care about contributing to our planet in a sustainable way as well," they said.

The Bazar International is one of the highlights of Luxembourg's international community calendar. Whilst the event took place a couple of weeks earlier than usual last year, the 2023 edition is being held again closer to the Saint Nicholas Day and Christmas celebrations, offering visitors a festive atmosphere and an opportunity to browse (and shop for) potential gifts.

Bazar International 2023 opening times: Friday 24 November from 18:00 to 22:00, Saturday 25 November from 11:00 to 19:00 and Sunday 26 November from 11:00 to 18:00. Free entry.