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On Thursday 19 October 2023, Caritas Luxembourg expressed its deep concern about the impending humanitarian crisis in Gaza and called for solidarity.

The association strongly condemned Hamas' terrorist actions, which included taking innocent people hostage, and emphasised the importance of respecting international humanitarian law, which safeguards civilians during armed conflicts.

They pointed out that the Hamas attack on Israel and the Israeli response could result in an unparalleled humanitarian disaster in Gaza, an area that has been grappling with a humanitarian crisis for many years. The conflict has already caused numerous civilian casualties, injuries and displacement of hundreds of thousands of people. Access to essential resources like electricity, water and food has been severely disrupted, and humanitarian aid routes are closed.

Caritas Luxembourg expressed fears of a significant humanitarian catastrophe and pledged to support the most vulnerable populations, regardless of their backgrounds, political beliefs or religious affiliations.

As an initial step, due to the closure of border crossings to Gaza, Caritas Luxembourg is exploring the possibility of providing assistance in the West Bank to support Palestinian refugees seeking refuge there. Caritas Luxembourg reported it will also continue its efforts to access affected areas in Gaza as they become accessible, and identify partners to ensure aid reaches those in need.

In light of the looming humanitarian disaster, Caritas Luxembourg appealed for solidarity. Those who wish to help can make a donation by bank transfer to the CCPL account IBAN LU34 1111 0000 2020 0000 with the mention "Humanitarian Crisis Palestinian Territories" or online via