On Friday 16 June 2023 at the Grand Ducal Palace, HRH the Grand Duchess and her foundation received Marc Angel, President of the Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO), and Vice-President of the European Parliament, Tom Bellion, current director of the LCTO, and Antje Voss, who will take over the management of the LCTO on 1 July.
The representatives of the LCTO presented a cheque for the amount of €16,728.07, following summer visits to the Grand Ducal Palace in 2022, to the Fondation du Grand-Duc Henri et de la Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa.
Since 1977, the Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO) has been organising guided tours of the Grand Ducal Palace during the months of July and August. Each year, the net profit from the visits is donated to the "Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Foundation".
The Foundation, chaired by HRH the Grand Duchess, has been committed for more than 40 years to the social, cultural, educational and professional inclusion of the most disadvantaged people, by intervening where all the usual avenues have proved to be a dead end.
This donation will allow the Foundation to remain active in Luxembourg with “assistance and relief” projects to help the most vulnerable in Luxembourg, in particular through its scholarship project for single-parent students.
For full details, see fondation-grand-ducale.lu and maria-teresa.lu as well as on the social networks “fondation_grandducale_lux” and “grandeduchesse_mariateresa”.