(L-R) Matthias Barthod, Red Cross Luxembourg; Sandy Scholer, Red Cross Luxembourg; Ines De Cooman, Henkel Belgium; Hansi Schmitz, Cactus SA; Credit: Cactus SA

On Wednesday 11 May 2022, Luxembourg supermarket chain Cactus announced that it was placing the year 2022 under the sign of solidarity.

Since the beginning of the year, the company has organised several challenges in order to commit to a fairer and more united world. The first Cactus Charity Challenges already carried out have raised a total of €35,000 for the benefit of the Luxembourg Red Cross, the Cancer Foundation, the Ateliers du Tricentenaire and the Stand Speak Rise Up! initiative.

Cactus introduced the very first Cactus Charity Challenge of the year on the occasion of World Cancer Day on 4 February 2022. The objective was to make customers aware of a healthy and balanced diet while financially supporting the Cancer Foundation. Cactus has undertaken to donate €2.50 to the Cancer Foundation per customer who has purchased at least five references of fruit or vegetables during this symbolic day. Thus, a cheque for €15,000 was given to the Cancer Foundation.

At the beginning of April, Cactus and Henkel joined forces in favour of the Luxembourg Red Cross and aimed to pay €0.50 to the Red Cross for any purchase of a product from one of the partner brands (Persil, Le Chat and Bref). The collection aimed to help children in need by setting up psychological and therapeutic services as well as to finance music therapy sessions, equestrian therapy, educational and sports activities, and many other activities. The sum of €15,000 was donated by Cactus and Henkel to the Red Cross.

From 19 to 24 April, the Cactus Charity Challenge took place for the benefit of the Ateliers du Tricentenaire in Bissen. For any purchase of a Chocolats du Cœur product or an organic heart tea, €0.50 is donated to the sheltered workshops, allowing the financing of equipment to facilitate the work of people with disabilities in the workshops. This action raised a total amount of €5,000.

Throughout the year, Cactus customers can also support the Stand Speak Rise Up! initiative of the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Foundation, through the purchase of two solidarity products. Any purchase of Chouchous du Cœur pralines and a package of Bruno Café du Cœur Fairtrade Nicaragua, €0.50 and €1.00 are donated to the initiative,respectively, which aims to denounce and prevent sexual violence used as a weapon of war, but also to support the victims in their work of reconstruction. Last year, more than €4,000 were donated to the Foundation.