The British Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg (BCC) has announced that its annual Leadership Forum will be taking place online from 7 to 12 October and in-person on 13 October 2021.

In the run up to the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow (31 October to 12 November 2021), the BCC is shining a spotlight on the many aspects of sustainability during its 2021 Leadership Forum week.

This year's event will start with four virtual sessions on 7, 8, 11 and 12 October, with insights from the BCC Tax, Business & Innovation, Financial Services and Legal groups. 

Lunchtime Virtual Events 

Thursday 7 October - “Impact of ESG on Business Taxation” with a special introduction by the British Ambassador to Luxembourg, Fleur Thomas

Friday 8 October - "Walking the Talk: Are financial services meeting their sustainability goals?"

Monday 11 October - “Luxembourg – A guiding force in sustainable strategies – with Luc Frieden”

Tuesday 12 October - “ESG for a better tomorrow - but what does it mean today?”

Further information and free registration are available at

Evening Panel Discussion and Networking Cocktails

The final (in-person) event “People, Planet & Profit”, a panel discussion followed by Networking Cocktails, facilitated by the BCC's People & Leadership group, is taking place at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Kirchberg on Wednesday 13 October at 18:00. This event will take place under the Covid-Check regime and only members with valid vaccination certificates or a valid negative test result can attend. No on-site tests will take place.

For further information and free registration, visit