Analia Clouet, Secretary General of Banque Raiffeisen; Credit: Banque Raiffeisen

On Monday 29 July 2024, Banque Raiffeisen, a Luxembourg-based cooperative bank, announced it had reached the milestone of 50,000 members.

As the bank (founded in 1926) inches closer to its centenary, it celebrated crossing the symbolic threshold of 50,000 members. Banque Raiffeisen said it was celebrating not only "commercial success, but also and above all the construction, thanks to its members, of a diversified community which embodies the cooperative spirit of the bank and contributes to its development on a daily basis."

The bank took this opportunity to highlight the diversity of profiles within its member community. Banque Raiffeisen offers its customers the opportunity to become a member by purchasing a share with a nominal value of €25. With their share, members have voting rights at general meetings and can thus actively participate in the social life of their bank. In addition, members can accumulate loyalty points within the framework of the OPERA programme. These points can then be used by members to pay their bank card fees, contribute to their children and grandchildren's savings, donate to a charitable organisation or work to preserve the environment. Members can also use their loyalty points to pay for the OPERA PLUS premium package, which includes a full range of the bank's products and services at a reduced rate. Moreover, points can be converted into gift vouchers to be redeemed at outlets of POST Luxembourg, a long-standing partner of the bank.

"The cooperative form of Banque Raiffeisen offers its members a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of society, while participating in the decisions taken at general meetings. We are proud to embody the cooperative banking model in Luxembourg," commented Analia Clouet, Secretary General of Banque Raiffeisen.

"Being able to draw on such a vast community of members and reward their loyalty is rooted in our DNA. Banque Raiffeisen belongs to its members!" added Laurent Zahles, Chairman of the Management Board of Banque Raiffeisen.