(L-R) Yves Nosbusch (BGL BNP, Alphonse Weicker); Nicolas Henckes (Hospilux); Catherine Wurth (BGL BNP, Alphonse Weicker); Isabelle Lentz (Brasserie Nationale); Laurence Graff (INDR); Patrick de la Hamette (Alphonse Weicker); Anne-Marie Loesch (INDR); Credit: Emmanuel Claude, Focalize

On Thursday 19 September 2024, the Fondation Alphonse Weicker and BGL BNP Paribas honoured the winners of this year's Sustainable Economic Progress Awards (Prix du Progrès Économique Durable).

The Fondation Alphonse Weicker and BGL BNP Paribas, in collaboration with the National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (INDR) and the Luxembourg Employers' Association (UEL), celebrated the presentation of the 2024 Sustainable Economic Progress Awards during a ceremony marked by a speech by glaciologist Dr Heïdi Sevestre.

The event, which brought together key players from the economy, research and sustainable development in Luxembourg, honoured exemplary business projects and initiatives that contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Dr Heïdi Sevestre, recognised for her research on climate change and her commitment to protecting glaciers, raised awareness among the audience about the importance of science and innovation in the fight against global warming. Her speech highlighted the urgency of developing sustainable economic strategies and promoting close collaboration between the public and private sectors to address current environmental challenges.

This year's award winners were recognised for their innovative efforts in various fields ranging from the circular economy to the energy transition.

After deliberation, the jury composed of members appointed by the Fondation Alphonse Weicker and the INDR, chose to reward the following companies:

- Hospilux, winner of the Prix de la Fondation Alphonse Weicker, endowed with €10,000. For 40 years, Hospilux has been a leading company specialising in medical needs and medical technology in Luxembourg, both in the private and public health sectors. Hospilux has set up and optimised a trolley system to deliver custom-made operating sets to all hospitals in the country, significantly reducing waste and CO2 emissions while promoting recycling. Nicolas Henckes, CEO, said: "This award will allow us to continue our actions to reduce CO2 emissions both in our organisation and in our product offering. In addition, I am now doing everything I can to convince our customers to integrate sustainable development criteria into their calls for tender."

- Brasserie Nationale (Bofferding Brewery), winner of the Prix de BGL BNP Paribas, worth €2,500. Brasserie Nationale is a Luxembourg family business that brews and produces the Bofferding, Battin and Funck-Bricher brands as well as Lodyss mineral water from its Bascharage site. In 2022, the brewery built a wastewater treatment and recycling facility for their production with the help of the Ministry of the Economy, reducing the water consumption needed to make beer by 50%. Isabelle Lentz, CEO, emphasised: "We use a lot of natural resources and this award recognises the work done by the teams over the past ten years, particularly in controlling our water consumption."

The Fondation Alphonse Weicker, BGL BNP Paribas, INDR and UEL congratulated all the candidate companies for the quality and interest of the applications submitted.