Given that some flights had to be cancelled or were subject to significant delays following a closure for repairs at the Luxembourg Airport, Luxembourg’s Directorate for Consumer Protection has issued a reminder of the rules relating to air passenger rights in such circumstances.

On the morning of Wednesday 28 August, damage was detected on the runway of Luxembourg Airport during a routine inspection, leading to its closure for repairs.

In the event of a flight cancellation, the passenger may request from the airline either a refund of the original ticket price or a comparable replacement flight at their convenience.

In addition, passengers are entitled to care, including, among other things, refreshments and a meal, or accommodation and transfer to accommodation if the passenger requires an overnight stay while waiting for the proposed re-routing flight.

In the event of a flight delay, passengers are also entitled to assistance, generally from the moment the delay exceeds two hours.

If the airlines concerned have not offered such assistance, it is possible to request reimbursement of the costs incurred by contacting the airline. In this regard, it is recommended to keep all receipts relating to these expenses.

Concerning the granting of possible compensation, the Consumer Protection Directorate specifies that the event in question must be considered an exceptional circumstance, not attributable to the airlines. Consequently, no additional compensation is owed by the latter.

To find out more about the rights of air passengers, the page offers in particular a rights simulator, a tool aimed at providing consumers with compensation solutions based on delayed flights, cancelled flights, overbooked flights and luggage problems.