Commemoration at the Monument national de la Résistance et de la Déportation (Hinzerter Kräiz); Credit: © SIP / Claude Piscitelli

On Sunday 25 February 2024, a commemorative ceremony in Luxembourg City surrounding the National Day of Resistance was held.

Luxembourg's Prime Minister, Luc Frieden, was amongst a number of dignitaries who attended the events

This day commemorates 23 Luxembourg resistance fighters executed on 25 February 1944 (80 years ago) in the SS-Sonderlager/KZ Hinzert, near Trier (Germany). It is also an opportunity for Luxembourg to remember those who fought against and suffered under the Nazi occupiers as well as the role played by the Resistance during the Second World War.

Following a Second World War Memorial Service at the Glacis Chapel, those attending made their way across the Glacis to the National Monument of Resistance and Deportation (Hinzert Cross) in Notre-Dame Cemetery. Religious leaders representating the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, the Israelite Church and the Muslim Church delivered prayers and a number of wreaths were placed around the cross.

Prime Minister Frieden, as well as Guy Dockendorf, spokesperson for the Resistance group within the Committee for the Memory of the Second World War, and school children from Atert Lycée Rédange all spoke, with the national anthem being played.