The Grand Ducal Police have confirmed that a suspected drug dealer was arrested in the Luxembourg-Gare district, in the early hours of Friday 9 February 2024.

The police carried out a check, during which a police patrol became aware of a suspicious group of people at the intersection of Avenue de la Gare and Avenue de la Liberté in Luxembourg-Gare. One individual in the group quickly headed towards Rue de Strasbourg when he saw the officers approaching.

Suspecting the man could be a potential drug dealer, the police officers searched him. He was found to be carrying cash, 22 drug packets and a mobile phone, which were confiscated. Moreover, it became clear that he was in the country unlawfully. On the orders of the public prosecutor, the man was arrested and brought before the examining judge on Friday morning.

This follows a large-scale police operation undertaken on Thursday 8 February 2024. The operation was organised after residents protested once again (after a similar demonstration in October 2023), calling for action against criminal activity in the Luxembourg-Gare area.