Kobe; Credit: Luxembourg's Customs and Excise Agency

On Wednesday 10 January 2024, Luxembourg's Customs and Excise Agency confirmed that a sniffer dog helped detect three drug dealers attempting to sell various substances via the railway from Belgium to Luxembourg at the end of last year.

As has only now been reported, Customs and Excise Agency officials managed to arrest a total of three drug dealers in two cases in October and November 2023. Drug sniffing dog Kobe got on the trail of the perpetrators by sniffing out the drugs in the various hiding places the criminals had chosen.

One of the smugglers had swallowed several drug pellets. He was then accompanied to the on-call hospital and convicted of drug smuggling once he was under medical supervision.

The three drug dealers were carrying a total of 189 balls of cocaine, 67 balls of heroin, a small amount of marijuana and three mobile phones, which were confiscated.

On the orders of the Luxembourg Public Prosecutor's Office, the three drug dealers were arrested and brought before an examining judge.