On Thursday 24 August 2023, the Regional Tourist Office of the Mullerthal Region (Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland) launched a new map to help tourists discover the spectacular rocky landscapes of the region, as part of the "Lëtzebuerg, Dat ass Vakanz!" campaign.

The map shows the geological highlights, also called geosites of the UNESCO Global Geopark Mëllerdall.

A quiz invites visitors to explore the geosites in detail. In this quiz one can win for example an overnight stay for the whole family in a chalet at the Wollefsschlucht campsite in Echternach, in the immediate vicinity of the Wollefsschlucht geosite. The deadline for the competition is the end of October. 

The new map has been produced in cooperation with the Mëllerdall UNESCO Global Geopark and had been financed by the Ministry of Economy – Direction Générale du Tourisme.

The regional tourist office is also is referring at the same time to the new “Geopad Haupeschbaach-Halerbaach" geological path which is to be inaugurated on Friday 6 October in Beaufort, along with guided hikes. This event will conclude the 2023 campaign "Lëtzebuerg, Dat ass Vakanz!" 

The map is available at the tourist information offices, at the Mëllerdall Nature & Geopark and online at www.mullerthal.lu/shop