Credit: CGDIS

On Sunday 12 September 2021, the National Fire and Rescue Centre (Centre national d'incendie et de secours - CNIS) moved into its new barracks on Boulevard de Kockelscheuer in Luxembourg-Gasperich.

A convoy of around 30 vehicles passed through Luxembourg City on Sunday, travelling from the old headquarters on Route d'Arlon, where the centre had been located for over 50 years, to the new barracks. 

Upon their arrival at the new CNIS in Gasperich, the firefighters were greeted by Luxembourg's Minister of the Interior, Taina Bofferding, the President of the Board of Directors, Lydie Polfer, and the Director General of the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours - CGDIS), Paul Schroeder, as well as an official delegation and staff members already operating from the new headquarters.

Once the vehicles were parked, the Director General took the floor to welcome the new arrivals, stressing that the move represents one more step in the full commissioning of general staff which will continue over the next few months, particularly with the relocation of the Emergency Relief Centre (Centre des Secours d’Urgence) 112 by the end of the year. The official inauguration of the CNIS is scheduled for 2022.

Interior Minister Taina Bofferding emphasised the importance of the national relief organisation plan (Plan National d’Organisation des Secours - PNOS) in order to be able to guarantee future access to effective emergency services which are capable of coping with a growing number of interventions, including complex ones.