According to figures published on Monday by Luxembourg's Ministry of Justice, 9,389 people obtained the Luxembourgish nationality in 2020.
The number of people having acquired the Luxembourgish nationality decreased from 11,451 to 9,389 over one year (a decrease of 2,062 people). The number remains significant, however, when compared to the figures for 2015 (5,306), 2016 (7,141) and 2017 (9,030). In 2018, this number had risen to 11,876.
Since the legislative reform of the Luxembourg nationality law, which entered into force on 1 April 2017, applications have increased due to a reduction in the conditions and a simplification of procedures for acquiring the nationality.
French nationals (2,264) remained the largest group to have acquired the Luxembourgish nationality in 2020, followed once again by Brazilians (1,799) and Belgians (1,013). The significant number of Brazilian nationals acquiring Luxembourgish citizenship could be partly attributed to Article 89 of the recovery procedure, which remains applicable until 31 December 2021 (for those who submitted their application by 31 December 2018) and which grants the nationality on the condition of having a grandparent who was Luxembourgish as of 1 January 1900.
In addition, 981 Portuguese, 438 American, 360 German and 291 British nationals acquired Luxembourgish citizenship last year.