Luxembourg's Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth has announced that a new infographic charting the life and reign of HRH Grand Duke Jean in a modern way and in a broad historical context, is available free-of-charge for online order from https://cgie.formstack.com/forms/infografik_gd
The monarchy is a constituent element of history and national heritage. HRH Grand Duke Jean, who died earlier this year, has lastingly marked the destiny of the country. He was also an actor and a privileged witness of the turbulent history of Luxembourg and Europe in the 20th century.
The infographic reveals the main stages of his life: a peaceful childhood and studious adolescence, from exile to participation in the Liberation, preparation for reign and the joys of family life, almost 36 years at the head of a country in full development and active retirement, marked by his commitment to sport and scouting in particular. The biographical notes are accompanied by written documents, quotes, graphics and iconographic sources.
"This infographic is part of a series of educational tools developed to introduce our students to Luxembourg and its heritage in all its facets," stated Minister Claude Meisch, who acknowledged that he is pleased that some 800 infographics have already been ordered.
The infographic, sent out in June to all schools as part of Cultural Heritage Week, is also available to the general public from the link above.