Pirate Productions and Harmony Municipale Schifflange are planning a joint production with a working title of "Showtime Three" to be performed on 15 and 16 May at 19:30, and on 17 May at 14:30 at the Centre Sportif Schifflange.
Auditions will be held in Schifflange on Sunday 16 February 2020 at 09:00 and Sunday 23 February 2002 at 16:00; for chorus singers, dancers and soloists.
Similar to the Showtime 1 & 2 productions, an evening filled with the best moments from various well-known musicals performed by a large wind orchestra, a chorus and solo singers, as well as dancers. The selection contains songs with various themes, from sad and serious to funny and joyful, ensuring that there is a good mix of different emotions and experiences throughout the show.
Some songs or medleys will be played instrumentally just by the orchestra, to feature the full palette of great sounds it can produce, some songs will have soloists performing them in accurate costume with props and a projected backdrop, some songs will feature 8 to 10 dancers, and some songs will have a chorus with or without soloists. This provides a good mix of different art forms combined to one colourful show.
Full details of the auditioning process, see www.pirates.lu