The New World Theatre Club (NWTC)'s youth group is to perform Bertie’s War, a devised piece to commerate the end of World War I, at the Centre Culturel Altrimenti (Centre Convict, 5 av Marie-Thérèse, L-2132 Luxembourg) on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 March 2018.
Bertie’s War: Bertie is your average teenager, as happy being around his friends as he is dreaming of what his future holds. Starting in 1914, his world is suddenly turned upside down as World War I breaks out and he is rushed to the front-line. Inspired by Joan Littlewood’s brilliant “Oh what a lovely war”, it will take a different journey where they instead focus on how life was for Bertie, his family and friends both ‘back home’ and on the Western Front.
The youth group has been meeting since October, two hours each Saturday. Exploring how to tell Bertie's war, the youth group have had workshops on Laban movement, commedia dell'arte, improvisation, ensemble work and acting. This year's script has been devised especially for the group. The group will continue to work and present a share of its progress in this production.
Led by director Julie Fraser, NWTC members have come forward to form the crew (Chris Albrecht - assistant director, Chris Wilson and Lesley Chesters - artistic assistants, Moira Hogg - costumes, Katie Bull and Hilary Brown - props, Catriona Gilham - lighting and NWTC Committee members (Rose Flammant, Pauline Lloyd, Valerie Scott, Christine Probst and Derek Meijers) production support.
See www.nwtc.lu for further information.