The BGT English Theatre Company, in association with Koler Bierger asbl, will be putting on its latest production the "Coronavirus Chronicles" from 21 to 23 January 2021 at Kinoler cinema in Kahler; the performances were initially scheduled to take place at the end of this month but have now been postponed until January due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Coronavirus Chronicles is a collection of fourteen short plays and sketches by Luxembourg-based writers about life in the year of COVID.
2020 has been a year which has had a profound effect on everyone. During (and since) the lockdown in Luxembourg, everyone has had their frustrations, their losses, their sadness, their fears... but also unexpected moments of light as we discovered new things in the world around us, found new interests and learned to appreciate more the love of friends and family.
Between April and June, Elizabeth Adams from the International School of Luxembourg (ISL) asked writers of all backgrounds to come up with short, five to ten-minute pieces reflecting their experience of the lockdown. The result is the Coronavirus Chronicles: a collection of sketches covering the sorrows of families being separated, the shock of a loved one testing positive for the virus, the fear of catching the virus, the frustrations of working in the health sector... and the ever-present annoyance of working via Zoom. A mixture of scenes and monologues, comic observations and sad reflections, these plays show a cross-section in the life of a year which has changed the whole world.
Directed by Tony and Ferelith Kingston, the show is compiled (and written) by Elizabeth Adams and written by Ester Cela, Ferelith Kingston, Cassandra Köhler, Gracie Savage, Luca Schmit, Josie Shillito and Concepcion Zubizerreta.
The show will take place on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 January at 19:30 and on Saturday 23 January 2020 at 14:30 and 19:30.
Tickets cost €15 (€10 for students) and can be reserved via email: the.bgt.lux@gmail.com. Until 14 December 2020, the focus will be on rebooking already reserved seats, after which tickets for the general public will be available to reserve. All proceeds from ticket sales will go to the COVID-19 Foundation.