BRitish Immigrants Living in Luxembourg asbl (BRILL) has announced details of the production "Lie of the Land" which is to be performed on Monday 11 March 2019 at 19:30 at St George's School in Luxembourg-Hamm (11 Rue des Peupliers, L-2328 Luxembourg).
Directed by Phil Knight, "Lie of the Land" is a dramatic and sometimes amusing exploration of the disaster that is Brexit, created and performed by professional and amateur actors and musicians, each with their own story of the impact Brexit could have on their lives.
Having staged the play in the UK, the director is keen to tweak it and give it a British in Europe (BiE) perspective using improvisation. Auditions were held locally earlier this year.
Tickets cost €14 (students €7) which will be donations to BRILL. Reservations online at https://brill-luxembourg.org/events or tel: 356339.