Pirates Productions is celebrating their 40th anniversary year in 2019, with a Gala Dinner on Saturday 15 June from 19:00 at the Hotel Parc Alvisse (120 rte d’Echternach, L-1453 Luxembourg-Dommeldange).

Between courses, entertainment will be provided by members and will take the form of songs chosen from shows from the last 19 years (i.e. since the last event of this type which was the 21st anniversary). The songs will be properly rehearsed as though this were a public show and there will be some choreography. However, there will be no costumes.

The event is open to all past and present Pirate members and their partners.

Tickets go on sale on 1 March 2019 (Non-members: €65; Members & overseas visitors: €55) and include a welcome aperitif, three course dinner and drinks (until midnight).

For details, see www.pirates.lu.