The first Festival of English School Theatre 2018 (F.E.S.T.) is being organised by the Association Luxembourgeoise des Enseignants d'Anglais a.s.b.l. (ALEA), in conjunction with the BGT English Theatre Company, is being held from Friday 23 to Sunday 25 February 2018 under the patronage of the British Embassy in Luxembourg.
During the festival, a selection of short English-language plays will be performed by groups from 10 schools in Luxembourg at the Kulturhaus in Mersch (53 Rue Grand Duchess Charlotte) and will be open to the public.
The Festival of one-act plays will highlight some of the excellent English-speaking and artistic talent which exists among pupils in Luxembourgish schools, but which often passes unnoticed by the wider public.
With English becoming more and more important as the language of communication and business, the need for children to use it actively has become a crucial life skill. Several secondary schools around the Grand-Duchy have in recent years augmented their normal English classes with English theatre options or extracurricular activities. These school programs give the students a chance not only to improve their language abilities by using it practically on the stage, but also to develop their presentational skills and their self-confidence while learning about theatre arts.
This unique Festival will give you the chance to enjoy a wide variety of stimulating and entertaining plays and to support the vibrant young talent active in Luxembourg.
Friday 23 Feb @ 19:20: 30-MINUTE HAMLET
Saturday 24 Feb @ 14:00: PETER PAN AND THE LOST CHILDREN
Saturday 24 Feb @ 15:15: THE NIBELUNGEN-RELOADED. PART 1
Saturday 24 Feb @ 16:30: UN-BOXED
Saturday 24 Feb @ 19:00: SPLIT
Saturday 24 Feb @ 20:15: DNA
Saturday 24 Feb @ 21:30: WAR AT HOME
Sunday 25 Feb @ 14:30: A HUMAN WRITE
Sunday 25 Feb @ 15:30: THE LAST SONG
- 1 performance: €10 (students €5)
- 2 performances: €15 (students €9)
- 3 performances: €24 (students €13)
- Festival Pass: €60 (students €30)
For further details, including reservations, see www.kulturhaus.lu or tel: 470895-1.