The New World Theatre Club (NWTC) has announced that tickets are now on sale for its May production of "And go to Innisfree" which will also go forward to the FEATS 2017 competition which is being held in Frankfurt in early June.
The production is 50 minutes duration and evening performances are followed by an Indian buffet, a format that was used successfully in 2015 for its production of "A Strange Horseman".
Written by by Jean Lenox Toddie, "And go to Innisfree" is directed by Christine Probst and produced by Valerie Scott.
Synopsis: It is autumn. An older woman appears on a deserted New England beach. She has come to make a decision, but will she make it alone? The middle-aged matron she was argues her case for the comfort of a retirement home. The younger girl she was urges her to sit again and eat blueberries and study ants. What will she do?
Old Anna – Niamh Huggard
Middle-Aged Anna – Lisa Burke
Young Anna – Rachel Lloyd
Performances in Luxembourg will take place at the Annex of the Chateau de Bourglinster and take place as follows:
- Thurs 25, Fri 26 & Sat 27 May (19:30): Evening performances include Indian buffet (non-members €19/ NWTC members €17/ students €12)
- Sat 27 May & Sun 28 May (14:30): Matinee performances (without food) (non-members €10/ NWTC members €8/ students €6)
Reservations by email: tickets@nwtc.lu or tel: 356339
For further details, see www.nwtc.lu/pages/shows/current-show.php