The New World Theatre Club (NWTC) in Luxembourg has announced that a visiting tutor/actor/director is in Luxembourg offering a rather unique workshop this weekend, entitled "Old wine in new skins - comedy and its historic and contemporary roots" at Beggen Cultural Centre (26A RUE DE ROCHEFORT, Beggen) on Sunday 16 October 2016 from 10:00 to 16:00.
Mitch Mitchelson will offer a workshop on Sunday open to all. Mitch is known to some here as he has been a tutor at LEATSS, he works all over the UK but has also run workshops with the National Theatre, Royal Shakespeare Company and National Youth Theatre - we are rather lucky to have him! Whilst here he will also work alongside the NWTC youth theatre and with the refugees too.
Laughter will be the name of the day as we find out whether Greek comedy or 16th century commedia dell’arte have any bearing on how we apply comedy today! This comic workshop, thoughtful in content, will see Mitch guide us through:
• the way Greek and Roman comedy found itself a home in Commedia.
• Comedic routines found in Buster Keaton and “Only Fools and Horses”,
• How a gag can appear in a Theatre de Complicite routine, a commedia lazzi and in 'A Midsummer's Night Dream ' at the Globe
• how a 16th century commedia entrance can also appear in an episode of 'Friends' and
• how the Python ministry of funny walks can have resonance with Peter Handke and his provocative theatre.
Mitch Mitchelson is a free-lance director, teacher and performer. He has worked extensively at drama schools and universities in the UK he has run workshops for the National Theatre, Royal Shakespeare Company and National Youth Theatre. He also has an international profile running workshops in Hong Kong, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium and Ireland.
He collaborated with the turner prize artist Jeremy Deller on re-enactments of the routines of Jacques Tati on the beaches of Folkestone and as a film consultant for the National Centre for Circus Arts, introduced Daniel Ratcliffe to clowning and slapstick. He recently ran workshops in the art of farce for the Bernard Shaw theatre in Carlow, Ireland. Recent directing projects include Arnold Wesker’s The Kitchen for the Fourth Monkey Theatre Company, Lysistrita for Actors of Dionysus, devised productions of the works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Italo Calvino for Theatre on your Door Step, Twickenham, London, and one act plays by Dario Fo and Feydeau for a student drama festival at St Mary’s university, London.
He has just worked as an associate director for Osborne and What, adapting and co-directing a circus theatre version of William Wharton’s novel Birdy for a national tour. Mitch has taught at Summer School (LEATSS) several times, the last visit being 2015.
To attend, email: Rose@nwtc.lu; The cost is €60 (members) or €30 (students), to be paid to NWTC: IBAN account: LU80 0030 0960 1115 0000, Bank: BGL BNP Paribas (BGLLLULL)