The New World Theatre Club (NWTC) has launched a new project to promote integration of refugees within the Luxembourg community, entitled "SHOUT OUT!", with the support of its current co-director youth group leader, Natalia Sanchez.

Chris Albrecht, Chair of NWTC, said he will offer possibilities for young refugees to participate in NWTC’s youth programme through the project. The target are young asylum-seekers aged 14-18 years old. The aim is to ease linguistic difficulties and social integration with the help of non-verbal acting techniques. It will make use of theatre techniques, mainly non-verbal and corporal expressions, and simple English as a vehicular language, in order to help the young newcomers retrieve their identity, their voice, their strengths.

This idea of NWTC has something quite special to offer newcomers from distant lands trying to integrate into Luxembourg’s highly complex society, linguistically and culturally. The organisation has received limited funding for an English-language theater workshop project in collaboration with OLAI, the government organisation for integration.

It will take place on Saturdays between 14:00 and 18:00 from 1 October 2016 at the Centre Altrimenti (Centre Convict, avenue Marie Thérèse, Luxembourg-ville).

See www.nwtc .lu for details