The Long and Winding Road in Wecker, Luxembourg; Credit: © Ludo Segers 2023

Photos by Luxembourg-based Ludo Segers will be featured in an upcoming exhibition in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Ludo Segers, who lives in Grevenmacher, has been living in Luxembourg since 2005. His hometown organised an exhibition of his work last September at Bernard-Massard. Ludo recalled that he was drawn to photography at a young age. His secondary school focus on graphics, typography and the arts fuelled his fascination with visual storytelling. "I got my first single reflex camera at the age of sixteen," he told, adding that "it quickly opened up a whole new world. Encouraged by my teachers, I soon found myself photographing and writing for a local newspaper."

Ludo Segers is now set to exhibit his works abroad as part of the exhibition "In the Light we sometimes see", which showcases a selection of new photographs selected by Ian Damerell, Professor of Visual Arts. The exhibition is taking place from 19 May to 16 June 2024 at Traku Voke Dvaras Sodyba in Vilnius. Ludo noted that the exhibition invites viewers to explore a world sometimes revealed by light.

In preparing this exhibition, Professor Damerell asked the question: "Do photos dictate their own narrative, or do we construct our own meaning?" The answer is often left ambiguous. Ludo added that Prof. Damerell "challenges us to see beyond the limitations of language and truly perceive the world around us". Commenting on Ludo's photos, Prof. Damerell observed: "Ludo can freeze a fleeting moment, transform the everyday, and when he does, he leaves a powerful visual memory."

In the Vilnius exhibition, viewers can expect to encounter "unique" landscapes from Luxembourg and abroad in one wing of the manor, while the other hall will showcase "captivating" portraits and cinematic compositions. The variety reportedly led the renowned French art critic Christian Noorbergen to describe Ludo's photos as "eclectic and existing at the intersection of fine art photography and narrative documentary."

Yet, his portraits are also described as "deeply human", capturing not just appearances but the inner lives of his subjects. Veronique Lejeune described Ludo Segers as a "photographer-philosopher": his work goes beyond mere documentation. As Ludo explained, many of the new photos in the exhibition explore the interplay between the viewer's psyche and the image itself, suggesting a future of photography that appears to increasingly delve deeper into human perception.

Vilnius exhibition opening hours: Wednesday to Friday, 11:00-19:00, Saturday, 11:00-17:00 and Sunday, 12:00-15:00

Exhibition Information (I am aware that titles are capitalised, but Professor Damerell wants it this way).