The Luxembourg Chronicle, as Media Partner, in association with Utopia S.A., is offering 5 pairs of FREE tickets to the Ciné Breakfast that is taking place on Sunday 29 January 2017 at Ciné Utopia in Luxembourg-Limpertsberg. Please see below on how to enter.
The Ciné Breakfast offer comprises five films that are being screened simultaneously at 11:00, with the cinema open from 10:30 for breakfast. Tickets cost €10.80 (reduced price €9.30; U12s €6.30). The five films include:
- MOONLIGHT (drama, 111 mins, in English, 12+), directed by Barry Jenkins and starring Mahershala Ali, Shariff Earp, Duan Sanderson. A timeless story of human self-discovery and connection, Moonlight chronicles the life of a young black man from childhood to adulthood as he struggles to find his place in the world while growing up in a rough neighborhood of Miami.
- HIDDEN FIGURES (drama, 127 mins, in English, 6+), directed by Theodore Melfi and starring Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe. Based on a true story. A team of African-American women provide NASA with important mathematical data needed to launch the program's first successful space missions.
- RITTER ROST (animated, 87 mins, in German, children admitted), directed by Thomas Bodenstein, Marcus Hamann and starring Tom Gerhardt, Jella Haase, Bianca Heinicke. Es ist aus mit Ruhm und Ehre, denn Schrottland ist pleite und auf einmal sitzen Ritter Rost (Stimme im Original: Christoph Maria Herbst) und seine Freunde auf der Straße. Während seine Kumpanen wie das Burgfräulein Bö (Jella Haase) und der Drache Koks (Dustin Semmelrogge) versuchen, das Beste aus der Situation zu machen, verkriecht sich Ritter Rost in seiner Burg. Doch dann entdeckt er die geheime Werkstatt seines Vaters und Geist, der ihn dazu bringt, die Erfindungen seines Vaters zu vollenden. Schon bald hat Ritter Rost großen Erfolg und seine Erfindungen finden reißenden Absatz. Doch dann übernimmt eine feindliche Gruppe die Macht über Schrottland und ausgerechnet Rosts Erfindungen sind es, die sie so stark machen. Rost muss sich erst seine Fehler eingestehen, ehe er zusammen mit seinen Freunden losziehen kann, um das Land zu retten. Alles steht auf dem Spiel und eine letzte Schlacht soll alles entscheiden…
- RUSTY BOYS (comedy drama, 105 mins, in Luxembourgish with FR & EN sub-titles, 6+), directed by Andy Bausch and starring Andre Jung, Marco Lorenzini, Paul Greisch. Four elderly men (Fons, Lull, Nuckes and Jängi) are fed up with being walked all over and treated like children. Together with their friends, they plan a future without old people's homes. But that's easier said than done.
- UN SAC DE BILLES (drama, 110 mins, in French, 6+), directed by Christian Duguay and starring Dorian Le Clech, Batyste Fleurial, Kev Adams. Dans la France occupée, Maurice et Joseph, deux jeunes frères juifs livrés à eux-mêmes, font preuve d'une incroyable dose de malice, de courage et d'ingéniosité pour échapper à l'invasion ennemie et tenter de réunir leur famille à nouveau.
To apply for your FREE tickets to the Ciné Breakfast on Sunday 29 January 2017, please send an email to info@chronicle.lu with “Ciné Breakfast 29 January” (without the quotation marks) in the subject line. Please state your full name and mobile phone number and ensure that you specify your film of preference.
The draw will be made at 18:00 on Wednesday 25 January. Winners will be contacted directly. Winning tickets will be available at the venue on the day.
- Gilles SCHUMACHER: Rusty Boys
- Elaine Wares: Moonlight
- Hélène Alexiou: Hidden Figures
- Agne Cerniauskaite: Hidden Figures
- Anna Reiff: Hidden Figures