The Association Luxembourgeoise des Fonds d'Investissement (Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry, ALFI) is holding a number of conferences later on this year.
These include:
- Wednesday 14 June 2023: European Risk Management Conference at Luxexpo The Box in Luxembourg-Kirchberg. The 17th edition of this event, organised in association with ALRiM, is taking place with a live audience in Luxembourg as well as a live stream option for virtual participants who will receive first-hand insights from high-caliber speakers and network with risk management professionals from around the world. The programme includes: a keynote speech from Prof. Ludovic Phalippou, author of the bestseller “Private Equity Laid Bare”, and professor of Financial Economics at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. Ludovic specialises in private market investments and was named as one of “The 40 Most Outstanding Business School Professors under 40 In the World” and as one of the 20 most influential individuals in private equity in Europe; A keynote speech on sustainability from a different angle; A regulatory update on key risk management developments thanks to a regulator interview; A reflection on the role and added value of risk managers in portfolio management oversight; Breakout sessions on risk profiling, liquidity risk management challenges and contingency planning; semi-open real asset funds, the role of technology in enhancing risk management effectiveness; A Chief Risk Officer discussion on today’s challenges – including resources – and possible answers; Market and technological advances from sustainability compliance to sustainability risk management; Short spotlights on non-financial risks. For details, see https://events.alfi.lu/european-risk-management-conference-2023/
- Wednesday 20 September 2023: Global Distribution Conference at the European Convention Center Luxembourg in Luxembourg-Kirchberg. The Global Distribution Conference is now a one-day conference. For full details, see https://events.alfi.lu/global-distribution-conference-2023/
- Tuesday 24 October 2023: conference on Taxes for Investment Funds at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg-Kirchberg. This half-day conference will focus on some of the upcoming legislative tax developments and their impact on investment funds and investment fund structures. Speakers will talk about the draft modifications of subscription tax rules, the draft “Unshell” Directive, the OECD Pillar Two Model Rules and the related EU Directive. For details, see https://events.alfi.lu/taxes-for-investment-funds/
For details, see https://www.alfi.lu
Venue: Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Organiser: ALFI
Price: See website
Reservations: See website