Luxembourg NGO the multi-LEARN Institute for Interaction and Development in Diversity will host its third "Learning over Dinner" jobseekers workshop on 11 June 2019 at 1 Rue Jules Wilhelm, L-2728 Luxembourg.
The workshop, held in English, French and German, proposes an evening meeting around the most common job interview questions: “What are your strengths and weaknesses?" This is the last of three such workshops. Each workshop is divided into a discussion, including tips on how to present yourself and your “talents” in a job interview situation, and speed interviews, during which participants will be divided into groups of three or four (one facilitator per group). All participants must answer the same question in a given time, whilst the facilitator will provide feedback on content, structure, clearness, concision and diction.
Participants from all backgrounds are welcome, whether as an active participant or observer. Child care activities will also be available and a light dinner is provided. Anyone wishing to bring their children should inform Natalia Durus via tel.: +352 661 353 353, so that parallel activities can be prepared.
The events, all free of charge, will take place from 18:30-20:30. Registration is mandatory. For registration for one or more of the workshops, email: aloha@multi-learn.org, call Natalia at the number above or register online via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/learning-over-dinner-jobseeker-workshop-30-april-2019-18h30-20h30-tickets-58726181590.
The workshops are organised by the multi-LEARN Institute as part of Project LEILU within the framework of mateneen, financed by the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte. The "learning over dinner" project mainly targets asylum seekers, but is open to all interested persons.
Venue: 1 Rue Jules Wilhelm, L-2728 Luxembourg
Organiser: multi-LEARN Institute for Interaction and Development in Diversity
Price: Free
Reservations: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/learning-over-dinner-jobseeker-workshop-30-april-2019-18h30-20h30-tickets-58726181590