ChinaLux, the China-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, is organising a conference on "The Beauty Opportunity in China" on Wednesday 19 April 2023 at Hôtel Le Royal in Luxembourg-Ville, from 18:15 to 21:30.
This event is an opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors to capitalise on the attraction of authentic heritage brands in the fast-growing Chinese beauty market. The conference will provide insights on the history of perfumes, brand revival strategy and the Chinese beauty market.
Members: free / Non-Members: €25. To register, see http://china-lux.lu/the-beauty-opportunity-for-china/ (ticket sales will close at 17:30 on 17 April or until sold out).
18:15-18:30: Registration
18:30-18:35: Welcome Speech by Xie Zhujun, President at ChinaLux
18:35-19:00: Speech on “The History of French Perfumery” by Elisabeth de Feydeau, French historian and writer, expert in fragrances
19:00-19:15: Speech on “The Revival of Dormant Heritage Brands in Beauty” by Arnaud de Lummen, Founder & Managing Director at Luvanis
19:15-19:30: Speech on “The Chinese Fragrance Love Story” by Elie Papiernik, Founder & CEO at Cent Degrés
19:30-20.00: Panel Discussion, moderated by Jacques Bortuzzo, Vice President at ChinaLux with panellists: Marion Bauer, Deputy Director at Bank of China Luxembourg; Elisabeth de Feydeau; Arnaud de Lummen; Pierre Mallevays, Partner at Stanhope Capital, former Director of Acquisition at LVMH; Elie Papiernik, Founder and CEO at Cent Degrés
20:00-21:30: Cocktail Reception
Venue: Hôtel Le Royal (12 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg)
Organiser: ChinaLux
Price: See above
Reservations: See above