The Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency (LuxFLAG) will be holding its first Sustainable Finance Webinar on Wednesday 10 June 2020.
Investors have used environmental, social and governance (ESG) data in investment processes for many decades. However, the demand for ESG / sustainability data and ESG-aligned products has never been stronger. This has triggered a growing industry of researchers / ESG data providers in the market using various methodologies which often lead to contrasting conclusions.
The first LuxFLAG Sustainable Finance Webinar, hosted in collaboration with PwC Luxembourg, thus aims to address the following questions:
- What are investors looking for in terms of ESG data?
- Is the current market offer in ESG complete?
- Why do data providers reach contrasting conclusions on the same companies?
- Is there one solution which could fit all in terms of the methodology being used for defining an ESG profile of a company or a country?
- Could regulators / policy makers provide guidance or a set common standards / minimum requirements?
- The future of the ESG data in relation to the EU taxonomy.
For further information, see https://www.luxflag.org/pages/events-detail.html?eventidcatsideback=104&eventstartmonth=5&eventmonthback=-1&eventidarticle=192&eventcategory=0&eventpage=1.
Venue: Online
Organiser: LuxFLAG; PwC
Price: n/a
Reservations: tbc