The Indian Business Chamber of Luxembourg (IBCL) is holding a conference entitled "Industry Meets Makers" on Monday 24 February 2020 at 18:30 at the Foundry (38 Route d'Esch, L-1470 Luxembourg).
The conference will address the rapid transformation currently underway in the way employees work by bringing together the makers and the industry to help convert brilliant ideas into real-world applications.
The speakers at this event come from the Maker community. These Robotics, Programming and Open Source propagators will present how they create the "Makers" of the future who design solutions which help industries automate, cut costs and create high-skill jobs.
For his part, Jose Luis Sanchez-Lopez, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Luxembourg will talk about how drones are being used in the industry to solve real-world problems. Paolo Vecchi, CEO of Omnis Systems Ltd (UK) and Omnis Cloud (LU) and President of Syn2Cat Level 2 Makerspace, will talk about Makers, hackers & Open Source: innovation for everyone. Similarly, Marc Teusch, Founding member of MakeIt asbl, will talk about Makerspace Education in Luxembourg: moving beyond school skills.
Finally, Team Luxembourg FIRST Global Robotics, headed by Captain Atreyam (Leo) Sharma, will present their participation in the challenge "Ocean Opportunities at First Global", which was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 2019.
The event is co-hosted in collaboration with Workshop4Me asbl and facilitated by founder Madhumalti Sharma, EUCodeweek Ambassador for Luxembourg and the EU Robotics National Coordinator for Luxembourg.
The conference is free for members or €25 for non-members, payable via bank transfer to the BGL BNP PARIBAS IBCL account:
BGLLLULL A/C No. LU03 0030 6733 4505 0000. To register, see https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoqUaYDjc-Y_q8YzyufoPJQXg2xph3rqp8VVD4DMYa7n3HkQ/viewform.
Venue: Foundry (38 Route d'Esch, L-1470 Luxembourg)
Organiser: IBCL
Price: See above
Reservations: See above