The Project Management Institute (PMI) Luxembourg Chapter and the University of Luxembourg will be hosting their next event "How can Technology help Society, in a way that truly adds value?" on Tuesday 21 January 2020 at 17:30 at the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT).
Every year, the students of the Master in Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Luxembourg are challenged to demonstrate that it is possible to innovate in twelve weeks in small teams of four to five people.
Students will once again share their results and learning experience on this challenge, especially on how to manage short deadline projects with limited resources and still deliver an end user product. This year, they will look at how technology can focus on helping society.
Presentations will include smartwatch solution to help deaf-blind people to communicate, tools to share food or rent clothing, app to help users to recycle product correctly and quickly and 3D printed ecological glasses for everyone - all built in twelve weeks!
17:30 - Registration & Welcome
18:00 - Introduction
18:15 - 20:00 - Presentations
20:00 - 21:00 - Networking cocktail
The event offers attendees the chance to meet other PMI members, people involved in project management and students of the University of Luxembourg. PDUs are offered to PMI members.
Participation is free for PMI members and students of the University of Luxembourg. Non-members are asked to pay €30 in cash. Those interested in attending should confirm their attendance by 17 January 2020. To register, visit: https://mailchi.mp/989145256f9e/pmi-lux-chapter-event-performance-audit-on-projects-2743495?e=754da6681f.
Venue: Room Big Bang (Level Zero), LHoFT (9 Rue du Laboratoire, L-1911 Luxembourg)
Organiser: PMI Luxembourg, University of Luxembourg
Price: See above
Reservations: See above